Sunday, January 31, 2010

Great Expectations

I am not sure why I waited until this morning to discuss news from Chloe's teacher with Anthony. Mabybe it is because I did not want to speak it out loud. Mrs. Berber asked for us to make time for an updated IEP due to Chloe now getting services in school instead of home. Also, that goals were going to have to be reevualuated due to Chloe not meeting the ones that were orginally given. She stated that we would need to make the goals more appropraite meaning more simple. It is frustrating becasue Chloe's condition is so rare that we, as parents, have no idea what to expect. For example, if we had a child with downs, or Cerberal Palsy, we could at least have some idea, but even the specialized doctors that we see have very little answers. we are just encouraged that she is she making progress. Don't assume that I am complaining for I am greatful for our outgoing and fun child, but it would be nice to have some idea of what to expect for her..for us. So we take joy in the simple things she does,

1 comment:

  1. I can't even imagine, but based on my experience teaching and my experience as a mom I would say as long as everyone is doing what they think is best. Chloe is the most AMAZING child I think I have met, including my own. I love him but just the light that Chloe brings to this world tells me that God made her the way she is for a reason and gave her the gifts of laughter, joy, and especially empathy that will help her in her quest to change the world! (You know she will and I look forward to seeing that!)
